Wednesday, May 6, 2020

The Gender Differences Of Males And Females - 1963 Words

The Gender Differences of Males and Females Joshua Box Mrs. Stephens ENG 102 November 23, 2014 Abstract The differences between men and women are obvious on the external level, but they reach even deeper to the biological level. Physical appearances are the first thing a person notices when seeing an individual; males tend to have square shoulders, straight hips, and a strong pronounced jaw line, whereas females are more inclined to have wide, round hips, breasts, and softer facial features. While some people think that men and women are the same and only society separates them some people suggest that we are wired differently on a more basic level; women are by nature, nurturers because of motherhood and men are fighters because†¦show more content†¦Various people have been in the fight for equality over the years, they argue that even though we are all so different we can all be treated in the same way. In spite of the need for equality among men and women, there are still many differences, such as, body image, mate selection, sexuality, and stere otypes. In selecting a mate, women look at different attractions than a man would. According to Rachel Herz, women are greatly attracted to the way a man smells and is typically one of the first things a woman looks for when selecting a mate. As a first impression, women want to be put into a daze or mesmerized by the individual they have come into contact with. Gender is not the only factor that a woman looks for when selecting a mate. Many women go deeper and search for things, such as, race, ethnicity, age, and good providers (Our Bodies, 1998, pg. 186). These affect many women by the importance they bring to a relationship. Typically women are looking for someone that they can spend their lives with, therefore they look for the qualities that could make a good husband. Women are very complex creatures when it comes to a person that they are interested in whereas men look at a whole different perspective. According to the study done by Herz, men tend to be more simplistic in their mate selection by focusing on a woman’s appearance. Men tend

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